Well now that things are starting to settle down a bit for me, I started putting in a little work on the coach. For now I've set aside the chassis -- I have neither the space or the tools at this point to work on that in our new [temporary] apartment. This, however, gives me a chance to focus on the coach body and accessories.
I managed to install most of the lower paneling for one of the sides. The picture below shows the progress and the coach over top of the photo of the real deal. I've been pretty happy with the results so far.
The windows on the opposite side have also been installed and I've begun to start cutting door trim pieces for the other side as well. Once I get in all the trim for the 4 corners I can begin to do the wood paneling for the shorter sides as well. As you can see from the picture that will just be all white.
In addition to working on the coach I also took a shot at trying something completely new....
Following an article in Garden Railways magazine, I created an aluminum foil "skeleton" to start from. Leilani's comment at this point was, "the arms are too long...".
After coating the skeleton in Scupley II and baking it, I began to do some initial shaping. This is my current progress, though you can see it's still a bit rough. I would have kept working on it but I ran out of clay. Major things still left to do are the head and left hand.