Sunday, August 9, 2009

HO Unitrack Viaduct

I'm thinking over the idea of moving to Unitrack. If you missed that post it's here.

One of my reservations about moving over to Unitrack for a temporary layout is that I'm not too fond of the ideas of the trains running on the floor. This just seems like a bad idea all around. I'm particularly thinking of hair getting run up in the wheels, not to mention all the other dust and junk that it would pickup.

I had an idea on how to fix this.... a viaduct system that acts as a riser to bring the track off the carpet. Sure it's still technically on the floor, but at least now it's a distance off that things like hair and dust shouldn't be as big a deal. Plus it will probably look pretty cool and unique.

Viaduct Concept Without Track

Viaduct Concept With Track

As far as construction, I was thinking of 2 possibilities:

  • Make them out of wood
    This would probably be the easier and perhaps cheaper (I'll have to do the math), but certainly longer route. A jig could be created to line up all the parts, and then I could figure out a way to mass cut things, perhaps 3 at a time to speed up the process. It would be doable with the equipment I have, but would probably take a while.

  • Make them out of plastic (resin)
    I could instead make 1 master in wood, and then make a rubber mold off of that. I could then use that mold to mass produce the trusses. This has a couple advantages: (1) I could actually model the viaduct to look like a model bridge with detail and such (2) the supporting trusses would be all one piece of resin, not glued like the wood. I imagine this would give them more durability over time. A potential third positive is if they worked well I could perhaps sell them in sets on ebay. :D

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